Saturday 26 September 2015

Resources you like

Here is an opportunity to participate. Do you have a resource that you think is particularly good and that you would like to share with the Blog readers. 

If you do, : ),  here is what to do:

Write a comment in this post's comment box. You will find it below.  

I will then read and publish it, if it hasn't been  published before. In order to help people as much as possible I would like you to include the following information.

About the resource  : What the resource is for and how you benefitted from using it. You have to include a link to the resource. 

About you: Who you are and where you are from. 

Here is an example to help you:

I am a batxillerat student in Girona and I have found this vocabulary list very useful because I am doing the science itinerary and need to know the parts of the body.

Carles, Girona

All the comments on this blog are moderated.

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