Thursday 1 October 2015

BAT 1A, B and C 2015-2016

This post is for students who are studying with me in a class situation.

This year I am going to be your English teacher and I look forward to getting to know you and  helping you with any of the queries which come up. And , of course, helping you to learn more English!!

You will find information about what we learn in class. It will be in order, with the most recent things first. It is organized according to the units in your book. You will clearly understand what goes with what. It will include new words that we learn in class that do not appear in the vocabulary list. That exact word you were looking for to explain or describe soemthing that is  important to you, the  " extra and really useful " words

Comment Box (see the bottom of the post)
If I foget to write the words, write them in the comment box and send me it. Only put your name and group eg.Susan 1B on a comment.

Unit 1

A strange place  ?

distress - when youa re in extreme pain, physical or emotional.

de-stress - stop feeling stressed


clammy adj.   It's clammy in this room because it is raining.

"as clear as mud" id. My explanation was as clear as mud, I didn't make myself understood at all! 

chickpeas are what is used to make humus 

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