Tuesday 23 December 2014

Autumn Term Roundup by 2nd ESO groups C and D

Here we have some thoughts and memories our first term 2nd ESO.


 The 9th November we celebrated an important event in Catalunya. People went to different the places and they voted. They formed many  queues. They can vote yes yes, yes no, no no.

  A conversation from the day:

-Where are you going?
-I am going to the Institut Montilivi.
- Because I want to vote
-I want to vote that I want the independence.
-Oh, I don´t want to because I am scared because I want to go to Spain without any problems.
Ok, it is very late. I have to go.
- Bye
- Bye, bye see you soon

Aina i Emma

This picture shows that this term the class are united as a group
We did not have many problems with our class. We have had  both good and bad moments.
We know each other better.
  We learned many things about coexisting and studying.
I managed to solve the problems as friends and class.
Miriam and Maria

 This is the photo represents this term for Carla, Alejandra and Gemma.
This term was very stressful because we had a lot of  homework and we had to study hard. The examinations were difficult

 Gemma, Carla and Alejandra

Imágenes integradas 1This term was fantastic. Sometimes there were  difficult things.There were teachers that put a lot of homework. The made us do work with Power Point idividual speaking. We had a lot of  fun playing with friends at  football and basketball. 
Abdelkader and Ricard

At the begining of the year we went for a walk to the " Font de Ferro" (spring of iron), it was a very big place to play. We were a little bored, so we went to explore the area, and we found an abandoned house. It was very scary and big.  The most frightening thing was the knives we found on the floor and the rope hanging at the window. We heard a strange noise and we ran out and went back, because it  was extremely scary,  from top to bottom. Some of the time we were bored, but we had a very great time!

Marta, Camila, Núria and Queralt

Imatge inserida 1
This is a very beautiful photo. There is an old tree with a lot of leaves of different colours. It's the typical autumm tree. The ground under the tree is completely full of colourful leaves and that is very nice. It is an autumm forest, and therea re a lot of high trees. 

Autumm is a special time in the year, for example: when you go out of the house, and you see the beautiful landscape, you feel very good and happy.

 The 9th November we celebrated an important event in Catalunya. People went to different the places and they voted. They formed many  queues. They can vote yes yes, yes no, no no.

  A conversation from the day:

-Where are you going?
-I am going to the Institut Montilivi.
- Because I want to vote
-I want to vote that I want the independence.
-Oh, I don´t want to because I am scared because I want to go to Spain without any problems.
Ok, it is very late. I have to go.
- Bye
- Bye, bye see you soon

http://static.tumblr.com/d8136695f99b9daeca9b0b7d1a89e83d/4ja0ilm/ZVzmsew9o/tumblr_static_christmas.jpgChristmas is coming soon and we're really happy about it. The Three Kings, Tió and Santa Claus will give us a lot of presents, but the most important thing is to be with our families and have a great time together. Christmas is our favourite time of the year. Streets are full of stars, lights and hope for a better year. Children wait the Chrstimas Eve to open the presents. People forget their poorness and even though they haven't got a lot of presents, they are happy together. And that's what Christmas is. It's about happiness. 

We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Desi and Helena.