Thursday 8 January 2015

2014-2015 Exchange with Hagen, Germany

At Montilivi, some 1st Batxillerat students are involved in a new exchange project for 2014-2015 academic year.
Our 1st year Batxillerat students have started  their journey into further education. What better way is there to learn about the opportunities which lie ahead than to take part in a project where we connect with another country.

An exchange is an excellent opportunity to improve  fluency and a great opportunity for personal growth. Our experience has found that. And....... there is always the added bonus of finding a friend along the way.

This year’s  topic of Work-Life- Balance is very relevant  to all ages. A good understanding of it early in life can help manage our most valuable resources, such as time, and have a positive impact on our long term health.

You can keep up with all the details on the Project Blog

Here we are in the school in  Hagen during our December trip.