Monday 9 October 2017

Writing Record

Keeping a record of the texts and activities which you write over a period of time is a great way of monitoring your progress. Once you have  written a text and had it corrected, it's a wonderful opportunity for consolidating your learning. It encourages you to correct your mistakes and make a final version. 

All your corrected text can be kept together in a document on your school Google Drive account.

Step 1 - create a Google Docs document on your school Google Drive account. Give it a front page with the title Writing Record. You can be creative and decorate this document, as long as the text can be identified and can be read easily.

Step 2 - name the document in the following order:  surname/name/ group . 

Step 3 - fill in the following questionnaire sending me the  "view only" link to this document. Copy and paste the link into the answer box in the questionnaire.  If you don't know how to do it click here

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