Saturday 15 September 2018

1st Batxillerat 2018-2019

Welcome to your Batxillerat course at Montilivi and to English as a subject of the Batxillerat curriculum.

Here you will find information about your course, information about studying English and resources to help you learn as much a possible. I am looking forward to being your teacher and getting to know you.

Each Batxillerat group has two English lessons a week as a group and one English lesson as a split group.

To help you follow the course the link below  will take you to our google site. The website will give you access the Class Story  where you will see what we have done in each class and you will be able to access the links to different activities and resources. You can only access this through your Institute Montilivi email address. 

 English at 1st Batxillerat google site  
 (Some links in this post are only accessible to students in my class groups)

Learning objectives

Criteris d'avaluaciĆ³ de Batxillerat 2018-2019 - you will find these in your moodle course.

Consolidate, improve or acquire, language learning strategies

How  you learn a language is worth thinking about. 

Research shows that a good language learner does specific things and has a certain attitude to learning. We will talk about this throughout this year.   

The high school second language learner has much in common with the "good" language learners described by Rubin (1975), i.e. they: 
                  1. are willing guessers
                  2. are accurate guessers
                  3. have a strong drive to communicate
                  4. look for patterns in the language
                  5. try to classify language
                  6. analyze language
                  7. take advantage of all practice opportunities
                  8. monitor their own speech
                  9. pay attention to meaning                           
As explained by Best of Bilash

Tips for learning a language

Your marks are also important, they let us know how you are doing. After the first term exams we will talk about progress and how to help you make the most of your time and effort.

The topic of expected classroom behaviour can be summed up by saying " Please do what you know you are supposed to do when you are supposed to do it"  Here is a little reminder.

Class Rules Poster Download.jpg - File Shared from Box caption

I would prefer to focus more on the following aspects

Image result for motivational school posters

Course Material

Living English Student Book

Grammar and vocabulary for first and first for schools

As we start learning together I will explain to you how they work. 

There will also be two set reading books which you will read during the course of the year. 

A good billingual dictionary either a paper copy or online. Have you thought about using a monolingual dictionary as an extra challenge?

Access to the internet, as there will also be other material which we will use in digital format: 

Teacher blog - your reading it :)

BAT Moodle courses - direct link 

The Internet - this is a huge resource. The best resource is the one you use, so find one you like. If you find a good one let us know about it.

Organizing your learning

Somewhere to write: During class you will be asked to: complete different types of exercises from the Student's Book and from the board; take notes; write down new vocabulary. 

Do not write in your Student's Book.

You will need to keep your things organized either in a notebook or a folder. It's your choice, but I will be interested in  seeing it from time to time and you need to keep it up to date.

Your notebooks/ folders. Many students forget what a powerful tool their own notes are. Language learning doesn't require you to copy out grammar rules, but you will get a lot of benefit from:
  • writing words that you didn't know, organizing and making lists
  • writing out in full sentences answers to open ended questions
  • doing exercises from the student book on a seperate piece of paper
Organizing your notebook

Classroom organization

Where to sit : Until I know all your names please sit in alphabetical order. I won't take too long to learn them. After that we will decide a seating plan and you will have to stick to it. 

Seats and tables at the end of the day.

Technology and all things digital (computers and mobile phones)  have a time and a place in language learning. 

I will have to take your mobile if you are not using it to at the right time or using an app that isn't required for the task.

You need to bring small earphones to the split lesson. 


Other Information

Language Assessment - Certificates

You can sit a Cambridge language exam at Montilivi.  We will do the mock exams in January and will give you the up to date information soon.  Link to last year's information.

Here is a useful link to the EOI website.

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