Sunday 20 September 2015

Learning Vocabulary

The type of words you use show your level of English. Look at the sentence

Having a good day?  Yes thanks, I'm quite happy.

How many other words for happy are there? Click here and have a look

Finding new words

If you know the word in Catalan but need the English word the best solution is a bilingual dictionary. Here is one 

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But do you find that you are using the same words over and over again ?   A thesaurus is a good tool in this case. Here is one

Remembering words you have seen before or should know

Since you started learning English you have been learning new words every year. How do you do it?  Which methods do you use and how much time do you spend doing it?
The words you will remember are the ones which are important to you or the ones that you have had to use. One strategy for learning new words is to try and find an association with yourself and then it will become part of your personal experience.

If   you are learning character adjectives try to think of people that you know who are like the adjective and you will then feel an association with the word.  Think about why she or he is  like the adjective. The more effort you put into each word the more easily you will be able to remember it.