Tuesday 15 September 2015

Starting a new year/course of learning

You have found the right class and are there at the right time. You know who your teacher is. What else is there to learning?

What are you going to learn?

Your course will have a syllabus based on your level (A2, B1, B2) and you will use your language skills and knowledge of use of English (vocabulary and grammar) to show that you can do certain things in English. Can you introduce yourself in English in writing or by speaking?

Which is your favourite skill? Do you know which one you do better? Each one can be developed and requires you to do different activities. Working in a different way.

Listening is a skill which is often not easy to improve in a class situation and it is best done at home doing individual practice activitities. A road to improving listening skills is by repeating  an audio  many times. Each time you listen you "hear" or recognize more words. The last step would be to read and listen to the content to make sure you have understood the meaning. Choosing listening material that has a transcript is very important.

How are you going to learn?   As your class teacher I will help you to learn as effectively as possible by going through a series of activities either in class or at home

These will be from the different resources which you have available:

Student book with workbook
Moodle course
Teacher's Blog
Other online resources from websites

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Effective language learners are open to experimenting with the language and are not afraid of making mistakes.

Charactaristics of "the good language learner" 

Listen to a person who has learnt more than one language.

How will you know you have learnt what you should have?   You will have to pass a language test which will be divided between  the four skills and use of English in different proportions! You will find the inforamtion on the school website and I will talk you through your particular evaluation criteria. The higher the level the more equal is

Reading 20%      Listening 20%    Speaking 20%    Writing 20%    Use of English  20%

Hope you have a profitable year and that you learn all that you want to  and need for the next stage in your studies.