Sunday 20 December 2015


Image result for christmas
First of all let's get in the mood by listening to a famous Christmas song.  Look at the following lyrics. Can you say which song they are from?


The sun is shining, the grass is green,
The orange and palm trees sway.
There's never been such a day
in Beverly Hills, L.A.
But it's December the twenty-fourth,—
And I am longing to be up North—

Here is the answer 

Where was the song written? Why is the  writer dreaming of a white Christmas?

How would having Christmas in a hot climate be different? While  you are thinking about this you can sing along to the Autralian version of Jingle Bells - Aussie Jingle Bells.

Now that we are in the mood. How much do we actually know about Christmas as a festivity?

Look at the video and do the following activities

Here are some other activities to try:

Christmas hangman

Song : Where are you Christmas

Song : Under the mistletoe

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