Of course I think we are perfect just the way we are!
What do you think people make New Year's resolutions about?
Tv series nostalgia
What are their resolutions and why?
A little bit of theory on New Year's resolutions
And finally if you fancy making one....
Where would you write your resolutions? In a diary, in your notebook or on a piece of paper.
Write some resolutions for the following people. He / she’s going to….
• Your mother
• Your best friend
• Your boyfriend / girlfriend
• Your teacher
Can you think of funny or serious resolutions for the following people:
• The leader of your country
• A famous musician / singer
• A famous sports star
Last of all, here is a song for you to listen and read the lyrics. As you are doing that try to answer the first two questions.
1. What is the song about?
2. What kind of person do you imagine the person to be like?
Here is a listening exercise on resolutions.
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